Wednesday, May 8, 2013

actually in love

I’m flying down this straightaway with the wind whipping me in the face
and I’m getting the bass confused with my heartbeats.
I can’t believe there are not more hearts beating
in the small speeding worlds around me known as cars for this
infectious fever that I’d like to call “Night Driving with the windows down."
Can you catch it?
It's where you see the ebullient lights flying by
and the bright headlamps of the cars behind you may actually
be the eyes of a pack of predators daring you to go faster, faster.
But there is more. As you focus to look through the maze
mapped out ahead with only your joy as your guide
you may begin to feel a smile spreading over your face.
If you let it get to the extreme of toothy, your soul may explode
out in a display of rainbowed mirth, only slightly discernible
at this point from the tendrils of hair
which the wind is caressing and playing with
around your face at 100 mph. 
Can you feel it?
It’s the screaming, tingling, dancing overflow of
getting to be here: alive and free.

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